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The energy business is increasingly reliant on leveraging technology to drive efficiency, marketing, and cost cutting. The problem is that very few companies have the expertise and time to wade through an endless and confusing array of products and value promises, not to mention the effort of assessing tangible ROI. Many moving parts lead to a solid tech purchase including a full understanding of your requirements, knowledge of the technical components and, of course, your ability to deploy and adopt the solution. More often than not the search commences, one demo bleeds into the next, proposals go stale and the process stalls.
Unfortunately, this deprives you of the very value of the technology you need. Tech vendors often quip that they lose more deals to "not doing anything" than they do to competitors.

Energy Edge Can:
--- Interview your staff and establish a comprehensive Requirements Document
--- Integrate our tech experience to build realistic expectations
--- Provide "Best of Breed" assessment to limit the search time
--- Participate in demos
--- Review proposals and take part in negotiations on your behalf
--- Validate ROI claims through extensive real world studies
--- Act as Project Manager
--- Guide upgrade and enhancement initiatives